Alaska Pathways

Be a part of Alaska’s future now

Resources are available now for professional development

Our vision is to inspire and motivate Alaskans to seek training and education to fully participate in Alaska’s economy.

Our mission is to connect Alaskans with educational and experiential resources to secure good jobs and careers for economic strength and security.

What is Alaska Pathways?

Alaska Pathways is a portal to a one-stop location for educational funding, internships, and apprentice resources.

Alaska Pathways provides a shared resource and common platform for educational institutions, Alaska Native corporations, employers, tribes, industry associations, and interested individuals to learn about good Jobs and Career pathways.

Click here to learn more about the Alaska Pathways.

Hear from Your Peers

Many Alaskans are taking exciting steps to pursue educational, internship, and apprenticeship opportunities to grow their skills. The time is now.

Whether its the space economy or learning the construction trade, all lead to meaningful, well-paying jobs and careers.

This contributes to a strong sense of self, strengthens families, and grows communities. Alaska’s future depends upon Alaskans fully participating in its growth and economy.

Click here to hear stories from others who have embarked on their career growth journey.

The Jobs and Careers of Tomorrow

Whether you are interested in the construction trades, information technology, business and communications, environmental management, health care, or social services, there are numerous career path opportunities to consider. Today’s innovations and emerging opportunities requiring specific academic and experiential skillsets. Start today.

Additionally, there are dozens of major projects underway or planned that will bring a large number of jobs to the State.

Click here to learn more about the Pathway to those jobs and careers.

“There is an urgent and essential need for Alaskans to fully participate in building the state. There is no better time in front of us”

— Senator Lisa Murkowski